
Latest attack ad from the GOP

Posted in dem primary, oh FFS, Opinion by yliza on June 5, 2008

I first saw this on Racialicious:

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Can’t say she wasn’t warned. Many pundits pointed out that Hillary’s scorched-earth strategy was enabling the right-wing smear machine, but she wouldn’t listen.

Let’s hope this election year puts an end to this kind of negative campaigning. Let’s defeat McCain on the issues, without stooping to character assassination.

Edwards endorses Obama (Updated)

Posted in dem primary, Opinion by yliza on May 14, 2008

Finally! via The Huffington Post:

Former Sen. John Edwards is endorsing Sen. Barack Obama’s presidential candidate Wednesday evening, in a dramatic attempt by the Obama campaign to answer concerns regarding Obama’s appeal to working-class voters, several senior Democratic sources tell ABC News.

Edwards, who ran for president on a platform of eradicating poverty, plans to appear alongside Obama in Grand Rapids, Mich., Wednesday evening.

Edwards actually got seven percent of the vote in West Virginia yesterday. I have always thought he could bring a lot to Obama’s campaign, maybe he can capture some of that WV demographic. With luck, the next announcement will be MY dream ticket: Obama-Edwards ’08!

Update: Here’s some video of the endorsement.

Part 2: Start here if you want to skip Edwards saying nice things about Hillary.